Icons: Domus pays tribute to Gae Aulenti

. Saturday, November 10, 2012

It is truly something special when one icon pays tribute to another. In this case, Gio Ponti's Domus pays a loving tribute to the late Gae Aulenti, one of Italy's most influential architects and designers of the past century:

From the many times her work graced the pages of Domus, we've chosen to republish two projects Aulenti designed for Olivetti in the 1960s. Beyond the virtuous association of the names Aulenti-Olivetti, the pieces republished today are especially enriched by a vivid photographic survey, where the interiors in Paris and Buenos Aires reveal a smiling, charming Gae Aulenti, exactly how we wish to remember her.

The article "The new Olivetti show-room in Paris" was originally published in Domus 452 / July 1967
The article "The new Olivetti shop in Buenos Aires" was originally published in Domus 466 / September 1968

My favorite feature is the design of the door handles in the Buenos Aires showroom. Each handle is a sculpted brass hemisphere, and when the doors close, the sphere completes.

See the full story with the project details here.


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